A winter themed subtraction activity book for EYFS/KS1
Download includes one workbook cover accompanied by 14 worksheets.
Covers subtraction with one digit numbers up until 10.
A complete set of Square Numbers for Display. Includes 'Header/Border', numbers are displayed in the same colour of border and are square in shape.
Includes numbers most common square numbers from 0-144.
Can also be used as a match up game.
A complete set of Odd Numbers for Display. Includes 'Header/Border', numbers are displayed in the same colour of border and are square in shape.
Includes numbers from 0-99
A collection of my best selling writing resources bundled together to make a Summer themed pack.
Check each resource and read the descriptions carefully!
Ideal for end of term, summer schools or summer camps!
Save 50% today!
A selection of Addition and Subtraction winter themed booklets.
Please see each individual resource for more info.
Also includes my January Homework Pack for FREE!
This bumper page for 2D shapes is a 59 page download,
Download includes-
-One reading book all about shape (9 pages-laminate for long term use and durability)
-9 worksheets
-3 Fun 'Find the shape and colour' worksheets
-Classroom Posters
-Shape Questions
-One full set of colour cloud flashcards
-One full set of Shape Posters in a4
-One mini set of Shape Posters (ideal for use in stations/centres)
Check the preview!
An introductory pack for covering the concept of Place Value (tens and ones)
Included in this 34 page pack -
-Over 10 printables/worksheets (check the preview!)
A game for the whole class to play-
Place Value Match Up Cards
Match to whole digits / expanded digits and words.
Included in this 35 page pack-
ONE MONTH of Printables for Maths (check out the preview)
There are 31 worksheets in total. These can be laminated and used as write ‘n’ wipe activities.
Covers areas of learning such as;
-Place Value
-Rounding Up
-Odd and Even
-Skip Counting
This pack can be used for daily morning work and/or assessment.
This pack contains over 40 pages of printables for Maths morning work. The first 20 worksheets consist of addition and subtraction within 10-20 using one digit and the second set contain more complex addition and subtraction sums.
All students can complete the worksheets at a staggered pace.
Ideal for Year 1 and Year 2.
This is a bumper activity pack for tackling times tables. In recent days, Nicky Morgan has called out for students to be 'timed'... Yes! Really!
So, let's make this fun.
Included are OVER 50 no-prep printables and worksheets
The pack includes:
12 'Beat the clock' worksheets
12 other worksheets for each individual multiplication factor. These 12 pages include the multiplication sum but no answer. (students can do these at their own pace)
One complete set of 1-12 times table worksheets without any multiplication factors.
One BLANK template for 'Beating the Clock'. This is ideal for weekly tests.
Over 20 extension pages covering different multiplication strategies including; using an array, skip counting and repeated addition.
I have also included 4 classroom posters in colour with tips and tricks and one tips and tricks poster page for students to insert into their exercise books to help with homework!
The pack ALSO included one set of multiplication dominoes! These are in colour and should be laminated for long term durability.
You will NOT be disappointed with this activity pack!
Circle Time is a vital component in the EYFS and early Key Stage One. When children have opportunities to share their thoughts and ideas in a safe, encouraging environment, they begin to learn that they are valued, capable, and important members of the group. Circle Time is a time to reflect on things learnt, discuss new ideas and to practice listening and speaking skills.
This pack will enable you to have lengthy discussions during February's Circle Time. Included are over 80 slides and printables.
You can extend many of these activities and questions further.
The pack covers Literacy, Maths, PSHE and Understanding the World.
Included in this download:
1 February Calendar with numbers
The pack is heart themed for Valentine's Day.
4 Heart Colour Association Match Up Games
One Hearts Phonics (includes single sounds, digraphs and blends)
Several PSHE related Question Cards
February Fun with Numbers (heart themed)
One full set of number flashcards (hearts)
14 February Topic Words
1 Topic Word Mat
One February Word Wall
Valentine's Day Cards!
Take a look at the preview! It really is a HUGE pack! Laminate and use year after year.
Introduce numbers to little ones with the concept of counting!
This pack includes 3 worksheets per number.
1 set of Colouring Worksheets from 1-10 (number and number name in written form)
1 set of Number Formation Worksheets from 1-10 (these particular worksheets also use the tens frame concept)
1 set of Identify / Find the Number for Number Recognition from 1-10
Includes 30 NO PREP Printables! Just click and print!
One number a week - 3 pages a week! Enough work for the next 10 weeks!
Ideal for EYFS and KS1
This pack contains over 30 pages of printables for Maths morning work.
Pack covers the concept of addition and number recognition from zero to ten.
Addition only covers addition using one digit numbers within 10.
Ideal for EYFS and lower KS1.
Check out the preview!